We couldn't get enough of the news. We would hop from station to station, looking for something new, some video of something we recognized. Finally, we saw something. Mark saw the property. Brian saw the fire on an area about a quarter of a mile from our property. When Brian came home from work Tuesday, he said that Mark wanted to go up to the property. I wasn't really happy with this idea. After all, there's a reason people were being evacuated from their homes. A reason they had the roads blockaded. It didn't matter. Brian said they would go up the back way. I didn't know what he thought he could do, but he felt he had to at least try to do something. He and Mark left around five.

At a quarter to eight that night, the phone rang. It was Brian. You could hear the excitement in his voice. The fire was across the valley. It had ravaged our property. But the trailers where the equipment was stored were untouched. The trailer had some fire damage to the exterior. And the windmill still worked. It did have some damage, but it still pumped water. The platforms were gone and the center pole was charred. But it still worked.

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